build-to-suit construction

Build to Suit Construction

This build-to-suit project delivery solution recruits Jacob White’s custom design expertise to develop the site to meet your specific needs without the burden of a large up-front capital expenditure that traditionally comes with owning a facility. Instead, the client leases the completed project from Jacob White.  By leasing, you release operating capital that can be re-allocated to other strategic initiatives, offering a higher rate of return on investment.

As a single tenant, you have a number of build-to-suit solutions from which to choose:

If you already own the land, we can design and build a facility which we will lease to you (build-leaseback)
You can upgrade and/or build-out to an existing facility you currently own (sale-leaseback)
On your behalf, we can procure a suitable site for acquisition and development

Where it is necessary to acquire financing, the build-to-suit option entails a long term lease commitment.  And, as is in most financial arrangements, creditworthiness may be awarded with favorable financing terms.  Similarly, as the lessor, Jacob White grants property management and maintenance for the term of the lease.